martes, 11 de febrero de 2014

Taking Sustainable Development Seriously(translation)

First of all, I apologize for my lack of expertice in moving through my own Blog. I included  this Entry at the end of the Spanish versiĂłn, but for misterious reasons , the  article appeared twice, but in both occassions in Spamich. Now  I posted it as a separate entry and I hope that  now you wil have  an English versiĂłn.
I found  in Facebook an  entry from a friend who shared an important message: to achieve sustainable human development : with  small changes by  each person is much that can be achieved. Listed below are a number of minor steps and  little efforts we can make

This message is certainly very valid, but shows only the environmental dimension of sustainable development and do not show  what makes sustainable development really “ human”. Two  essential dimensions are missing in this equation, and they are much more difficult to meet than the ten listed above. Let us , par example  consider some proposals from the social side;

- Pay fair wages  to those who work with. Even if you cannot afford to pay more, at least pay the minimum legal wage.

- Pay all the social  charges and benefits the law requires , as this will keep the existing public health system and also  the pension system strong.

- Pay during December of each year  the 13th month that in many countries  the law requires. And do it on time , that is  before the 15een December.

- Share your books with others to have access to culture. You can contribute to campaigns , such as some countries in which once you have read a book, you let it in a public  space  for otherds to read. And each has to make the commitment to  share again the book once they have read it.

- Make the commitment  to teach to  read and write once a year to an adult person who is illiterate. Even in Europe and the USA there are illiterate persons . Or you can offer your expertise on a voluntary basis in the evening schools ( unfortunately sometimes teachers and their professional associations do not allow to do it) .

- Respect the working hours of your employees. Now we are in a culture of extreme consumption and Malls are open from Sunday to Sunday,  and do not allow time for people to rest and live and share with their families .

- View films and theather of your own country ( and not only the suoper productions of Holywood). There are very good ones , with more  messages than special effects.  But  Cinemas and Theaters only let  the national production only a few days in exhibition  and the  films and  plays fail to be profitable and producers and actors cannot live from their art. In addition that one's own culture is penetrated and go lost. Losing culture is as serious as losing biodiversity ..

- Public parks permit citizens to democratically socialize. Take your kids to the parks instead of the plastic playgrounds of the Malls . Eventake the streets back as spaces  to play and to talk  with your neighbour would make open places safer and  criminality will be reduced..

From the economic side you can also do much

- Demand  a bil for each thing you buy , stamped by the tax authority, permitting that way for the state to collect taxes . Then you have to exercise the right to control your taxes are spent properly. Even you should try the practice of participatory budgeting in you own town , which has given such good results in some parts of the world, as in Porto Alegre , Brazil .  See

- Make the commitment to pay all your taxes. That is a true expression of honesty , citizenship and solidarity. Who does not pay taxes is a criminal. It is sad to know that in many countries , many of the privileged in society : traders , businessmen and professionals , fraudulently declare lower incomes and pay less taxes than they should. For example liberal professionals , such as dentists , doctors and lawyers , very few pay taxes or  they declare lowrer incomes as  the ones that they really receive. On the other side, aworker registered in a payroll has to pay the full amount of taxes that is deducted directly from their salary- If everyone paid their taxes , very few countries would have fiscal deficit , and  education , infrastructure and health for example, would be much better .

- If you rent a house, pay the rent on time. The owner of the house you rent worked to build it and have an income and if you are an honest person, you must fulfill your obligations with that person. Who has a house for rent and charges a fair monthly rate, is not criminal and deserves the money you pay..

- Try to pay for everything with cash or debit card you and not with a credit card. In that way you avoid falling into the consumerism that makes you addicted to buying many things you do not need and spend more money than you earn.

- Avoid buying junk food. There are many reasons not to do that : it destroys the food culture of your country, it's not healthy , much of the value you pay goes abroad , etc, etc, etc. . . .

- Buy weekly in the Farmers Fair . Get fresh, healthy food and encourage  at the same time the  growth of  agriculture and the  livelihood of  local farmers.

- Buy fruits, vegetables of the season. We are in a position , with globalization , to  eat grapes and  lpeaches anywhere and at any time of year, inhibiting local consumption and promoting foreign trade based on the abundance of cheap oil ( artificially ) . Eating a Pear in Costa Rica involves a journey between 2000 and 8000 miles by ship or plane and thus a high oil consumption. They are well-traveled grapes.

- Consume wood and other renewable materials if you're going to build or repair your house . Wood can and should come from sources of good management , takes little energy in its production , as opposed to glass , cement , iron and other materials.

Dear “ Resistentes”, you may see  that to be sustainable is quite a thing , and is much more than a social fun or fashion. It involves the practice of equity and economic modesty. We should never stay  on the surface  of sustainable development, that is only in his  environmental dimension, The two other dimensions, the economic and social are equally or even more important and much more difficult to meet.

Who wants to really try?

Santa Ana February, 2014

6 comentarios:

  1. Dear All, my former student Geoffrey West comented my Entry on Sustainable development. I am uploading it in pieces to respect the limit of the comment:

    Hi Ronnie;

    Here is the feedback I am choosing to offer. Of course, if it does not resonate with you, please simply discard it. My comments will appear in green. Sustainable human development is FAR FAR bigger than most humans are conceiving. Only now are people beginning to wake up to the BIGGER, 'bigger picture'. Purely environmental choices is only one small part of the 'fire of the global condition'. The groups that have been enslaivng humanity and destroying our planet want us to continue to focusing on smaller fires, so that we will not have time, energy or money to pay attention to what they are doing on the bigger levels.

    'Resistance' is more than just making a few new choices about a few things. It carries a responsibility to stand up and speak out, as lawfully and as peacefully as possible, while questioning the systems to which we have been enslaved, and to assist others to the best our ability to help them see how they have been enslaved.

    Let us , par example consider some proposals from the social side;

    - Pay fair wages to those who work with. Even if you cannot afford to pay more, at least pay the minimum legal wage.
    Geoff: For those who have businesses, this is making a choice to be honourable in business practices, as long as one is able to do so.

    - Pay all the social charges and benefits the law requires , as this will keep the existing public health system and also the pension system strong.
    Geoff: I do not wholly agree with this. The current system of 'health' is not designed to keep people healthy; it is designed to keep them sick, so that Big Pharma and the medical profession can continue to have a population that is dependent upon their drugs and their treatments. Doctors are trained to see only illness, and they do not have the time to assess any symptoms that can point to allowing someone to return to wellness. The pension system is a tool of the old paradigm. As long as we continue to perpetuate that paradigm, nothing will ever get better. Politicians have to be challenged and questioned, and then held accountable for their words and deeds. "If you keep doing what you've always done, we'll keep getting what we always got." As long as 'pay', like good little sheep, our hard-earned money is going to only perpetuate the tools they use to keep us enslaved. The system of 'law' (admiralty law) is another tool of enslavement. It is commercial law. There is only one problem: In order for commercial law to apply, it requires a contract or consent between commercial entities. Humans are not commercial entities - but our corporate fiction entity that was created when our birth certificate was created, allows the government corporation to impose its 'laws', which are not true law, but merely rules that have been given the force of law, to be imposed upon you, often without your direct consent. "Consent" is derived from one's choice to accept and live by one's corporate fiction entity. Most people have NO idea that they are enslaved to their corporate fiction entity, and that commercial law is being forced upon the people of our planet. Politicians MUST be challenged and replaced if they are not going to honour their oaths, or serve the people who elected them.

    - Pay during December of each year the 13th month that in many countries the law requires. And do it on time , that is before the 15een December.
    Geoff: No comment here.

  2. Second part of Geoffs comments

    Share your books with others to have access to culture. You can contribute to campaigns , such as some countries in which once you have read a book, you let it in a public space for otherds to read. And each has to make the commitment to share again the book once they have read it.
    Geoff: This sounds honourable to me. Anytime we are in service to humanity and our planet, we have an opportunity to help lift the collective vibration of awareness to a higher level, and empower others to serve honourably, and to choose to BE peace.

    - Make the commitment to teach to read and write once a year to an adult person who is illiterate. Even in Europe and the USA there are illiterate persons . Or you can offer your expertise on a voluntary basis in the evening schools ( unfortunately sometimes teachers and their professional associations do not allow to do it) .
    Geoff: If there are people who feel 'called' to serve in this capacity to assist other souls in this way, I celebrate, respect and honour their service to do so!

    - Respect the working hours of your employees. Now we are in a culture of extreme consumption and Malls are open from Sunday to Sunday, and do not allow time for people to rest and live and share with their families .
    Geoff: We have become enslaved to the consumer, commercial, corporate-capitalist paradigm. As long as we are not willing to hold politicians, lawyers, judges, bankers and media accountable for their actions, or to at least do our very best to promote change, we have no right to complain about what we have created for ourselves. If we complain about not having enough time for family...we allowed it to happen. Some will say they did not allow it to happen....sorry..they did allow it to happen - through their silence and laziness to accept being a slave without doing anything about it.

    - View films and theather of your own country ( and not only the suoper productions of Holywood). There are very good ones , with more messages than special effects. But Cinemas and Theaters only let the national production only a few days in exhibition and the films and plays fail to be profitable and producers and actors cannot live from their art. In addition that one's own culture is penetrated and go lost. Losing culture is as serious as losing biodiversity ..
    Geoff: I would support this. I think it is important for people to have a period of time to 'detach' from the mental activity of the 'sheep/slave world'. However, there is the danger that people are using entertainment as an 'escape' from what we've created - so that they do not have to think about it, or take any responsibility or action for it. If people are using their time, energy, money and resources to promote higher awareness and higher service to humanity and our planet - I think everyone needs an honest break to recharge and appreciate the spiritual beauty of the Oneness of LIFE, and what the shift in human and planetary consciousness is bringing to everyone at this time.

    - Public parks permit citizens to democratically socialize. Take your kids to the parks instead of the plastic playgrounds of the Malls . Eventake the streets back as spaces to play and to talk with your neighbour would make open places safer and criminality will be reduced..
    Geoff: Everyone, but children especially need to maintain their connection to Gaia and to natural energies. Our 24/7/365 digital, electronic world has kept people disconnected from the natural energies we need to keep our personal vibrations high. Kids should be outside playing more, and people do need to spend more time at parks, in the water or in nature. We need to see and appreciate that there is much more to LIFE than this corporate, commercial crap to which we have become enslaved.

  3. Third Part of Geoff Comments
    - Make the commitment to pay all your taxes
    Geoff: I disagree with this. I DO agree with making a commitment however to pay ALL LAWFUL BILLS. The notices that are sent by government offices to people demanding payment are NOT lawful bills. They are 'notices' or something else. Technically, they do not require a LAWFUL obligation to pay - but it requires people to know how they are enslaved, and how to properly, peacefully and lawfully defend themselves within a system that has taken advantage of humans worldwide for over a hundred years at least. TAX does not pay for services; it pays for the INTEREST on loans that governments have received - loans that were created out of THIN AIR through the fractional reserve system of banking that is based on DEBT, and requires continual DEBT to make this system work - and it is mathematically impossible to get out of this system of debt. This is why every fiat currency system designed has eventually imploded - and our current fiat currency system is in the process of imploding, and there is NO WAY to stop this from happening. Trying to keep the current system alive will only make the pain even more significant - because money will have been spent and wasted by families believing that this system must be kept alive - a system that profits ONLY the bankers and the elitists (1%) of our society.
    There is a new system of banking slowly being implemented that requires banks to have gold or some other kind of resource as backing for their loans. Up to now, all loans were created out thin air, and banks risked NOTHING to give you money for your home loan, BUT they claim the right to take away that home which is something of concrete value for default on something that was created out of nothing. Understand this, and make politicians explain this, and hold them accountable to this. ELECT people who do understand the lies, frauds and crimes being committed and who are ready, willing and able to speak out and public question officials on their lies, frauds and crimes against the people and against our planet.

  4. Fourth Part of Geoff Comments

    - If you rent a house, pay the rent on time.
    Geoff: This is called being honourable in your business transactions. If you enter into a consentual commercial contract with another human being, it is appropriate to honour that contract to the best of one's ability. It is about respecting your fellow humans. A concrete service and/or product is being exchanged for the money. Governments are abusing their power, and banks are providing nothing (other than a number on a computer indicating a loan). You have been given a number out of thin air, believing that it has 'value', but it is backed up by nothing; the bank is risking nothing by giving you a number, but you are risking your home, your car or some other significant possession if you do not pay concrete money for the 'air loan'.

    - Try to pay for everything with cash or debit card you and not with a credit card. In that way you avoid falling into the consumerism that makes you addicted to buying many things you do not need and spend more money than you earn.
    Geoff: I am inclined to agree with this. I no longer have any credit cards. I will occasionally buy a pre-paid credit card, for the purposes of some credit-card transactions. I try to buy as much as I can (which isn't much since I have so little anyway) with only money.

    - Avoid buying junk food. There are many reasons not to do that : it destroys the food culture of your country, it's not healthy , much of the value you pay goes abroad , etc, etc, etc. . . .
    Geoff: No argument here with this one. Again however, what have we created as a society!!? We have allowed it to happen, and we have allowed corporate interests to highjack our governments, and media because we have not been informed, and we have been conditioned to be 'good sheep' and just follow the flock. We suck up the commercials in our addiction to 24/7/365 news, weather, sports, entertainment, internet or whatever else... and in our rush to try to adapt to extended work hours, we buy fast foods and microwaves and anything that will potentially offer a few extra precous moments of 'peace'. However, by attempting to adapt to the paradigm, we are perpetuating its existence. People around the world in many other countries are now standing up and protesting because they KNOW that they have been screwed by people and groups in power. People in North America (especially) have been kept in the dark about what is going on worldwide. The food industry is just one way the gifted children of today are being 'dumbed down'. As long as people are eating unhealthy foods, they will continue to get sick, and this will help the doctors and Big Pharma as I said at the beginning.

  5. Fifth Part of Geoff comments

    - Buy weekly in the Farmers Fair . Get fresh, healthy food and encourage at the same time the growth of agriculture and the livelihood of local farmers.
    Geoff: No argument here. The more communities can take control of their own food supply - instead of being dependent upon supermarket conglomerates that buy mass-produced, genetically modified or otherwise unhealthy food.

    - Buy fruits, vegetables of the season. We are in a position , with globalization , to eat grapes and lpeaches anywhere and at any time of year, inhibiting local consumption and promoting foreign trade based on the abundance of cheap oil ( artificially ) . Eating a Pear in Costa Rica involves a journey between 2000 and 8000 miles by ship or plane and thus a high oil consumption. They are well-traveled grapes.

    - Consume wood and other renewable materials if you're going to build or repair your house . Wood can and should come from sources of good management , takes little energy in its production , as opposed to glass , cement , iron and other materials.
    Geoff: Hemp could very well become the 'catch all' that will help a local community get out of its enslavement to multi-national corporations. If local populations grew their own hemp, and trained their own citizens to make clothing, make food, build homes, and build cars with hemp - the community could become self-sustaining. The same with free-energy devices. The challenge is to get politicians who are ready and prepared to allow these changes and stand up to the corporate interests that will fight it. There are over 6000 patents of technologies that could clean our air, our water and our land (and MUCH more) that have been militarized and kept hidden from the people of our planet. Until we become aware, and lawfully/peacefully stand up and speak out... well... we will get what we deserve and what we have created.

  6. Last part of Geoff´s comments

    Dear “ Resistentes”, you may see that to be sustainable is quite a thing , and is much more than a social fun or fashion. It involves the practice of equity and economic modesty. We should never stay on the surface of sustainable development, that is only in his environmental dimension, The two other dimensions, the economic and social are equally or even more important and much more difficult to meet.
    Geoff: As long as we are attempting to stay within the current paradigm, a paradigm that is rapidly collapsing, there really is nothing we can do that will prevent this change. We will be throwing all our good money after bad. A new, broader paradigm, such as the one I wrote about in my thesis, is now unfolding. I predicted four things in 2006:
    1. That there would be a global economic collapse.
    2. That there would be an explosion in the 'truth movement', exposing institutions of leadership and much more.
    3. That there would be an explosion in the spiritual movement - of people seeking to understand the deeper meaning of why we are here, and what we are a part of.
    4. That there would be a huge global push for the disclosure of our galacitc families and technologies that are of a non-Earth origin.

    ALL four have now come to pass, although I might revise the first one now to say: 'There will be global economic collapse, allowing for a transition to a more honourable system'. It is my (personal) belief that this is now happening. There is talk at this time of a global currency reset, and although my circles have spoken of this for more than a year, only now are some of the mainstream journalists beginning to acknowledge that 'something' is about to happen.

    Until we as a species can see ourselves in every other aspect of LIFE, and be willing to make choices that honour humanity and our planet, we will not evolve. Thankfully however, I am observing great things happening around our planet that give me every reason to believe that humanity is beginning to choose to create a 'Golden Age'. BE-ing peace means making choices on an individual level to honour one's own world, family and community. BE-ing resistance means being in service to ALL humanity and our planet - to empower humanity, but to also send a message to the politicians that their lies, frauds and crimes will no longer be tolerated, and they must be held accountable to their words and I wrote above. The police must know that they are enforcing commercial laws, and are not enforcing TRUE law, which benefits humanity and our planet. If they did their jobs with honour and service to humanity and our planet, a lot of dangerous people would be removed from institutions of politics, business/banking, religion, law/courts and more.

    It starts with a choice...and that choice can only begin with the one who is willing to make that choice.

    Who wants to really try?
    Geoff: I'm in... this is what my message and my work has been about! ;-)
