Comments on “Stay by Obama”
I have eliminated the names of the friends that have commented my message to my UPEACE students. Through the comments I can discover that I have a wrong reading about the psychology of the young United States citizens. It seems that are not very interested in what can happen in the next two years and in the next presidential elections. It also seems, that they are not very happy with Obama´s government and they might be right. But for me is a matter of opportunity and sense of Urgency. I think that initiating now a campaign of the Internet Generation to avoid an overtake of power by the republicans, together with a real commitment of the younger generations will give real democracy and chance.
Now the comments follow:
First comment
XXXXX Ronnie and all in the XXXXXXX
In lending my traditionally rebellious voice (as you know, Ronnie ;-) ) to this discourse, I will preface my contribution by making a reference to Don Ruiz Miguel in his latest book 'The Fifth Agreement'. He writes that 'truth' is simply THAT WHICH IS, before all human filters and judgments are imposed upon it. What all languages call a 'tree' makes NO difference to the piece of LIFE actually growing outside. Some may be fearful of trees for whatever reason, others may totally love trees. To that piece of LIFE, it matters not what people think. It just simply exists. What is 'true' to one will not necessarily be true to another. However we are able to take whatever pieces that are meaningful from the 'truths' of others and make them a part of our own. We were not all meant to think and believe the same thing. We are each uniquely different, yet equally beautiful XX XXX XXXXXX. Our individual relationship to LIFE(capitalized) determines what we experience in our personal reality, and what we also help create at the macro levels of our society.
There is SO much going on in the world 'behind the scenes', that the vast majority of people do not know. This is not the fault of the people. It is the information that has been kept hidden from society. Some of you say 'conspiracy theories', others say 'alternative truths'. "One person's 'terrorist', is another's freedom fighter." I offer what I have come across in point form, and if any wish to see the sources from which I gained this info, please contact me directly, or if there is interest, I can post links to many of those sources here.
Democracy, as we currently know it, is effectively 'dead', although there is this wonderful illusion that it still exists. Humanity has been kept in enslavement by several secretive groups, by religion, by media, by politics, by statute law, and by education. Essentially, all of these institutions are controlled by these groups. One is the Rockefeller faction, one is the Rothschilds faction, and there are several others.
Obama, allegedly, was not to win the election. The US faction of this secret society wanted McCain to win. The European faction wanted Clinton to win. The Jewish lobby wanted McCain to have Lieberman for VP; The Mormon lobby wanted Romney as VP. McCain went 'rogue' and pitched Palin. Obama ended up winning .
If you have watched the TV show 'The Event', it is allegedly based in a very high degree of truth. Obama allegedly wanted to make the final disclosure of what most of the world already knows/acknowledges: the existence of our galactic family. There are civilizations that are here to help facilitate the Earth-portion of the transformation that is now taking place and which has been prophesized by numerous indigenous cultures. David Wilcock is one well-connected person who discusses 'The Event' in his blog.
There are sources that say that Obama was recently notified that he and his family are being protected by our galactic family because he has a very big role to fulfill. What people are buying into right now, is the establishment message that he does not know what he is doing. The Republican Party is the war-mongering party, and they are now gaining control again on the fear that they perpetuate.
BE NOT disillusioned for one moment what is currently unfolding because it is a part of something fantastic that we are soon to witness. Everything happens for a reason. Bush was elected to help awaken the people to the dysfunctions, lies and corruptions of the industrial/military complex. It created exactly the right conditions for people to be open to electing a black president, and a man who allegedly has a 'date with destiny' to fulfill. Obama has allegedly been trying to implement change, including disclosure, which will bring the technologies and the awareness that will help shift humanity further into awakening to who we truly are.
The 'dark cabal' as they are known by some, try to scare people with media shows like 'V'. Let me offer this: yes, there are dark and Light members of our galactic family, just as there are dark and Light humans upon Earth. The dark members of our galactic family have been exercising their free will to enslave humanity in statute law, debt and systems of credit while provoking war, to keep people in states of ignorance and fear. The Light family is here to help Earth change, because Earth is an energetic, living, sentient entity and she has been severely damaged. The galactic family will help those of humanity who are ready, wiling, and able to lift their vibrations up to a higher frequency of love and service to humanity, our planet and to LIFE. Free Will allows people to choose dark over Light. The Law of Attraction applies: those who envision a fearful, dying world, will experience that. Those holding visions of love and of living on a clean Earth will get this. The galactic family can clean up the Earth and introduce technologies to help humanity, but they cannot do so until the current system fully and completely collapses. This is what we are now witnessing. Attempts have allegedly been made on Obama's life already and been averted. Attempts have allegedly been made to activate nuclear weapons but they have been shut down or temporarily de-activated.
The 'truth movement' is exploding more now than ever before, and people are awakening to the lies, the frauds and the criminality of 9/11 and everything that has been created as a consequence of 9/11. People are finding their voices and speaking up. Soldiers are speaking up about the lies of the wars; military people, civilians and now governments are disclosing their 'X' files and information relating to disclosure. Nigeria wants to charge Cheney with crimes. Several countries are now threatening to arrest Bush if he shows up on their soil. Members of the European Parliament are beginning to stand up and very actively criticize groups like Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission, two other groups responsible for the enslavement of humanity.
There is allegedly a faction within China that seeks to hold a 'truth tribunal' and create a new economy. They have been causing a string of events since 2008 to expose the dark cabal and the control it has had over humanity. They doctored the economic collapse of 2008, and forced the dark cabal to pay up, in gold, the money from the hedge funds that collapsed. Instead of paying in gold, they paid in electro-plated tungsten bars, which royally pissed off the Chinese. The Chinese are now beginning a series of demonstrations to show the dark cabal that their reign of terror is now at an end. They are also allegedly working with members of our galactic family to help create the replacement system. China also allegedly sent a package to each leader of major countries in July, with a note that it was not to be opened until 13OCT. When leaders opened it, the package allegedly contained a technology that will allow cars to run for hundreds of miles on water. China is doing something to break the power of the oil companies. If leaders do not use the technologies, they will 'up the ante' to the next step, until the dark cabal finally surrenders its power and wealth, so that the wealth can be restored to all of humanity. Two sources seem to indicate that the US Fed Reserve will not make it past the end of January. We will see. The Fed Reserve is being exposed big-time, and much of this credit goes to Ron Paul, a champion who has been facing criticism for years and is now FINALLY being vindicated because the 'conspiracy theories' of the banking system are now being proven true, and people are seeing this.
That's enough for now. Some of you may be saying 'bullshit', and this is okay. Some may be saying "Not all, but some of this makes sense", and this is great. Some of you may be 'jumping with joy', because inside you had this feeling that there was so much more going on. This also is great!
What my long-winded message is basically saying is to not give up on Obama yet. There may very well be some surprises to come from him yet.
Our planet is evolving and changing. Many among humanity are beginning to awaken and change with her. Others are not. It matters not whether you believe me, or anyone else. It is what YOU find for your own 'truth'. It is your relationship to LIFE that will determine the choices as to how you will live that 'truth', and be empowered to contribute more effectively and lovingly to what is unfolding at this time.
There is allegedly a 'final date' by which these Free-Will games of the dark will no longer be tolerated. It appears that this date is fast-approaching, because a LOT of work has to be done to help the Earth at this time. Revelations are coming out almost daily, if you know where to look for them. The mainstream media will not cover them, or if they do, they will not give the real reason.
Leaders claim to 'want peace or will impose peace'; peacemakers claim to 'negotiate peace'; researchers claim to 'measure or quantify peace'; academics claim to 'study peace' and institutions claim to 'teach peace', some more honourably than others. However, within our current (collapsing) paradigm, peace is impossible because the very power, prestige and control these people and institutions have come as a result of the exact opposite of that which they are claiming to want.
Yes, humanity is witnessing something incredible at this time! It is hard to take what is happening, and this is what the establishment is counting on. If they can keep you in debt, in fear, and under the influence of 24/7/365 media entertainment and news, you will be less likely to take the time to awaken to what is going on. It is too late for this however, because people ARE awakening, and this energy is moving out to affect more and more, and this creates an even bigger force for change at the subconscious levels!
The dark cabal however is part of you, and they are a part of me! Our negative response to them solidifies their power over us, and justifies their actions of control over us. Our responses of love, compassion forgiveness and Light removes their power and pushes them into deeper states of desperation, and this is what we are now witnessing.
Neald Donald Walsch in 'Tomorrow's God': "Until you can see the face of God in your enemy, you cannot see God at all, for in truth there is no such thing as an enemy. There is only that part of you that exists in contrast to another part of you. God does not exist for you if He exists for you only in people and things you like. God is not real for you if She is experienced by you only in those things with which you agree".
This Christmas, despite what you are now observing with all the changes politically, economically and geophysically, know that all is unfolding for the Highest Good of all at this time! 'Be not afraid', are the words in the christian bible. Hold a vision for a higher, holistic peace, and for that of a clean, pristine beautiful planet that is beginning to unfold! Send love and Light to ALL, and especially to those seeking to maintain their control over us.
May you all have a joyous holiday season in whatever ways your celebrations are meaningful to you! Blessings for health, love, peace and abundance on all levels! The coming year promises to be exciting! Observe, but do your best to avoid fear. It is my very strong belief and feeling that we are about to witness a transformation of galactic proportions! Your role in this will be determined by how you choose to see your reality. Galactic, global and inner peace/healing really does begin a choice - a choice made by YOU!
XXXXXXXXXXX, love and Light to you all and to all around you!
Comment of “La Resistencia”:
Thank you foir yout thoughtful comments that will give me a lot to think.
Second Comment
I agree with you, in terms of the message I read on Palin.
As a Canadian Citizen, I fear that we are in a time when our policies tend to follow the US too closely, and also we have a leader that much reminds me of George W.
Anyways, I will ponder your message further.
Third Comment
Dear Ronnie, thank you for sharing your blog. I agree with much of what you said and hope we can take action together. There are several groups in the US that are making moves, but are perhaps not as organized as they were for the past presidential election. There was a rally last month in DC that addressed some of the issues you mentioned. I think that part of the problem is, the US will always have a strong "right" presence, and we're not quite sure how to combat those views, except perhaps with education and stronger progressive collaboration. It is easy for us to reach like-minded US-Americans, but difficult for us to reach those with such drastically different perspectives. Please keep sending us your thoughts and if you have suggestions for good organizations/movements we can join.
All the best from New York,
Answer from La Resistencia
you have first to recover the "like minded" that voted for Obama
I think that , and then discover to the public opinion the possible consequences in USA and the World of a come back of the "rightists". Also I think that you have to take a more agressive position and attack the opinion, just like the "rightists” are doing now. There is no time to sleep or remain in the areas of comfort, but is tine of action. With love
Fourth Comment
Well, as a fellow non-US citizen living in the US sphere of influence I share your general feeling about US exports and exploits (jazz/blues/rocknroll=good, aggressive war/massive arms production/fox news conservatism=less good).
On the idea of everyone participating in all national elections, regardless of citizenship... sure, why not? Sovereignty is an illusion anyways. My only reservations would be (a) the price (imagine how much more money would be wasted on campaigning all over the world) and (b) the broader legitimacy that politicians could claim based on an international vote, making the US (in this case) a de facto world government. US politicians already think of Latin America as "the backyard" and Canada as another state in the union, imagine how much more paternal the relationship could be if we bacame part of their constituencies.
As for Obama vs Palin (or whoever), I agree that the democrats are generally preferable because of their rhetoric of change, but I am also quite unimpressed with the changes made thus far (health care, bail out, Afghan surge, Guantanamo...)
Unfortunately the alternatives are worse. If I did have a say in this election, I would probably abstain for lack of reasonable choice.
Still, I support your rallying call to the US citizens out there -- for goodness sake, get involved.
The issue, I would say, is not just about reelecting Obama. The challenge is much larger and involves shifting an entire philosophy of governance. The tea party argument about insane spending and indebtedness being bad for the country (and the region), I think we have to admit, is perfectly valid. The US cannot afford to regulate the affairs of the world and it is clearly not in the interest of the nation to pretend that they can. It seems to me that massively scaling down the military budget and investing in domestic industry and education in an effort to solve the big riddles of our day (the environmental/energy crisis, for example) is the most reasonable path to follow.
Not to say it's all on the shoulders of the US -- we should all be trying to make this democracy idea mean something in our respective governments.
Answer by La Resistencia
You understood exactly what I have in mind. Is not that we have to vote in the usa ELECTIONS, BUT WHAT HAPPENS IN THE usa affect us too much. Also, is not only about electing Obama, but in the short run is the only alternative not to give back power to the "Tea Partisans".
Fifth Comments
A very thought-provoking letter! My thoughts (as a Canadian with interest in what my neighbours are up to):
Fighting the cultural imperialism the U.S. imposes on the world doesn't come simply by preventing the Republicans from re-taking the throne. It's a bit like opening your windows to get some fresh air when there's a fire in the kitchen. Sure, it helps - as long as you keep your head out the window and pretend everything else is the same - but things get bad again if you ever close your window. And even if you keep the window open for hours your house will still burn down around you.
Obama can't change what the people of U.S. want. It has to work the other way around. And even if he could change the people, it seems to me a more stable, more "democratic" and "free" solution is if it is the people who change around him. In Canada we have had no effective governing leadership for over 7 years now (some may say longer), despite several elections. People can't decide who to support because they don't know what they support. Political leaders are all trying to convince people that they will be the safest choice, and that they will change things the least. In the U.S., it seems people were willing to entertain the idea of change by electing Obama, but I'm not sure they knew what they wanted to change into.
The world is changing. Populations of countries once belonging overwhelmingly to a single ethnicity are now realizing the cultural image they identify with is rapidly becoming a minority. The U.S. governing bodies, Democrat and Republican, do not represent their own changing culture, but instead represent the desperate effort to hold onto a culture that is no longer what should be. Bruce Cockburn writes: "I believe it's a sin to try to make things last forever, everything that exists in time runs out of time someday".
I support your call for people to resist an even worse backslide into devolving U.S. imperialism through a future Republican electoral victory, but only insomuch as people need to keep from choking on the smoke in their burning kitchen. Once the window has been jammed open, then those same people must make the real change happen. The fire must be put out someday. As you say, it is a short-term alternative to the "Tea Partisans".
Answer of La Resistencia
Is not a surprise for me your reactions. is just because npon of you is a USA citizen, but you are Canadian. Let me comment on your mails:
1. The issue of participation in the national elections of the USA for the rest of the world is only a metaphor. What I pretend is that some of my former students take things seriously, becuase what tehy elct will affect themselves but also all of us.
2. Yes, Obama´s performance until now is not impressive, but it can not be better if he does not receive more support for changes from the Internet generation that elected him. Things are now worst than before, because of the irresponsibility and arrogance of GWB government, and Obama can not be blamed for the finantial crisis as it seems to have been according with the results of the last voting. A reelection of Obama, could at least mean a buying of time to undertake mayor real changes.
3. XXXX, as you say, "government as usual" in the USA is not a feasible alternative, and things will go worst with the "Tea Party" governing.
4. YYYYYY , you are also right that preventing the Republicans from retaking the throne is far from enough. Many other interventions are necessary in the internal and external policy of the USA.. But first thing fist: if the risk is not avoided, the chances of any future change are cero.
5. XXXXXX, you are also right: is not about changing or not changing a President, but changing the USA citizens and their views that there is other people inside and outside the USA. Is the way in which democracy is understood in the USA ( ¿ and also in Canada?) that needs to be rethinked.
Forgive me then for the simplification, but the real sense of my message is:
- Let us buy time,
- be responsible and commit yourself ( USA citizens) to a mayor shift in the way your country has been managed.
miércoles, 22 de diciembre de 2010
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